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Monday, September 7, 2009


You know what I don't get? Why are people so racist? I mean It's stupid I'm thinking that all this time people would get It. What Is significant about your color that makes you think your better than me? Nothing because your not. See I think racist people think that just because their this color or this race that they shouldn't socialize with someone that Isn't. They just arrogant as fk, me I'm not racist I don't care what race you are I would still talk to you. It gets me tight because It's like get your mind right, really think about the stupid shiiit that your thinking to yourself or what your parents are teaching you, because we all know racist parents teach their kids to be racist and thats not poppin.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Wendy Williams

Who Is Wendy William's? How Did She Get Famous? Please Help Me Out cause I don't know? Na I'm jokin, just don't care. I don't like her she talks mad shiit about a lot of celebrities like Ashanti, Beyonce and she even spreads Method Man's private family business to the world. Why does she talk so much shiit, when she's ugly as shiiit, she finally did a number of surgeries that actually makes her look like a woman, and a little worth lookin @. All she needs Is surgery to make her look like a "PRETTY WOMAN" don't know how long, how much that's going to cost and how she's going to afford It, I think she's a transvestite her body look manly and nasty lookin. She probably Is a man, If she doing all that surgery. You know Nobody don't want you If your driving by looking for boys of all ages to adults to blow, but yea I was going to put a picture on this post to show you but I almost felt like to throw up when I was going to put It. So ya'll could juss search one In google If you want.