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Monday, September 24, 2012

Need Traffic To Your Website? Here's A Fair and Easy Way To Do It

This site is pretty interesting Traffic Swarm is basically a website that allows you to sign up for free and of course has other options you could pay for monthly and helps provide more benefits, but for now I will explain the FREE membership. They allow you  to create up to 10 ads and they display it in their Traffic Swarm network in addition to their search engines and "surf board" which I would describe as an ad board and the concept of the website is to earn credits, you can earn them by going to the surf board and clicking others peoples ads and remaining on their webpage for at least 20 seconds, you can earn credits just by viewing the surf page without clicking ads yet, you can earn bonus credits after a certain amount of ads you've clicked on, you can earn credits by referring people to the website, you can earn credits by upgrading membership to pro, and lastly you can earn credits by paying for credits, prices are from 40 dollars and up. Traffic Swarm credits are important because when your ad is displayed you lose 1 credit so it is necessary to have them in order to keep your ads up. If you want to do a banner ad you need 1000 credits and 5 credits are taken off your account to keep that banner ad up. Check out the bottom, a little recap of what I said and some new information as well.

Keep This In Mind:

"One credit is deducted each time your link is displayed on the Surf Page, but it doesn't "cost" you any credits when your link is displayed in the Search Engine results, or when someone clicks on your link(s)".

"In the future this may change as we are working on additional systems which may involve "bidding" i.e. you bid a certain number of credits you're willing to "pay" for each click in return for preferential listings, etc.