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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Arguements Over Whether A Police Officers Actions Were Just

Now, I saw this video on Yahoo! and I had to comment on it now I'm commenting based on what I seen, because I don't know the situation. On the website where I seen this does not include the story just the video and I thought that that girl with the PINK shirt had what was coming to her because the situation didn't have anything to do with her. I don't want to call her dumb so imma just say that her actions were stupid because you don't ever go in a officers face, yell at him and push him, that's a assault on a officer. I understand why that officer punched her, as you can see in the video it seems like he was holding back the female in the BLACK shirt or trying to apprehend her and the girl in the PINK interferes. So obviously his anger must of went through the roof having to deal with one girl that wasn't cooperating with a possible apprehension and then you have her friend elevating the situation by literally pushing him. 

I also think the cop shouldn't be penalized for his actions In my opinion just because he punched the girl they should just suspend him with no pay for like 1 or 2 weeks. I also think that situation being in the media Is one experience he'll learn from but I also think he needs some type of anger management or something to try to control his anger and prevent chances of this happening again. I also hope that girl learned her lesson I think she should be charged with assault of an officer. I think the officer should have called for back up and he probably thought he didn't need it but I do think that would probably had lower the chances of this happening but we'll see what happens. Check Out The Video----------->

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