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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Derrion Albert - 16 Year Old Honor Student Dies In Mob Fight

Derrion Albert- Honor Student, loved school, had a bright future, but that all ends from a last day of a regular routine to his bus stop but doesn't even make It  because he gets attacked on his way, to make a long story short, he was beaten to death. When I saw the attack on video you literally see murder, him getting hit with a blunt object repeatedly to the head. It was crazy to me he was only 16 years old looking forward to graduating and this Is what happens. I'm just thinking how are you going to hit a kid walking to the bus stop, not even involved in the brawl and you go attack him. I don't know exactly who did this they have 3 suspects and are looking for 3 more but who ever did will end up having their karma, because what this person did was fk'd up.  

(Check Out CBS News Story On Derrion Albert Death)

Monday, September 7, 2009


You know what I don't get? Why are people so racist? I mean It's stupid I'm thinking that all this time people would get It. What Is significant about your color that makes you think your better than me? Nothing because your not. See I think racist people think that just because their this color or this race that they shouldn't socialize with someone that Isn't. They just arrogant as fk, me I'm not racist I don't care what race you are I would still talk to you. It gets me tight because It's like get your mind right, really think about the stupid shiiit that your thinking to yourself or what your parents are teaching you, because we all know racist parents teach their kids to be racist and thats not poppin.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Wendy Williams

Who Is Wendy William's? How Did She Get Famous? Please Help Me Out cause I don't know? Na I'm jokin, just don't care. I don't like her she talks mad shiit about a lot of celebrities like Ashanti, Beyonce and she even spreads Method Man's private family business to the world. Why does she talk so much shiit, when she's ugly as shiiit, she finally did a number of surgeries that actually makes her look like a woman, and a little worth lookin @. All she needs Is surgery to make her look like a "PRETTY WOMAN" don't know how long, how much that's going to cost and how she's going to afford It, I think she's a transvestite her body look manly and nasty lookin. She probably Is a man, If she doing all that surgery. You know Nobody don't want you If your driving by looking for boys of all ages to adults to blow, but yea I was going to put a picture on this post to show you but I almost felt like to throw up when I was going to put It. So ya'll could juss search one In google If you want.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Domestic Violence

  I wanted to write this based on the Rihanna And Chris Brown situation. [Domestic Violence] I know their are some dude'z datz off their rocka and hit a female for no reason. I get that and that aint right but their are girls who provoke us dude's and no I have not ever hit a girl juss saying, that I think girls have that mind set where they like, this dude aint gon do shiit and and If they do they goin to jail and they enjoyin that. While we thinkin like damn this girl gettin me tight imma bounce so I don't attack her. We gotta be the ones who hold are anger In and or juss deal with It. I don't know If It's true but their are fans and other people that talked about Rihanna basically saying she Is no angel, I remember a fan said they tried to say hi to her or whatever and she acted rude, they didn't describe how she was being rude but that's what they said. I also heard how she would hit Chris Brown, examples of physical attacks biting, kicking, and slapping. Now Rihanna Is a beautiful girl and I wouldn't believe she would do those things well smacking someone, yea what girl doesn't?, but all those other things not at all.

It Is kinda true that prettiest girls are crazy. It's like your kind of blinded by her motives, and you want to believe that she nice cause she fine in-tell you see the proof but yea the domestic violence that was put out In public wasn't juss the first time Chris Brown hit her. So I think It was a third strike and your out, type situation because the third physical attack was the most vicious of all based on how they described It. When I seen the picture It didn't seem as serious as they described, so they either took those pictures while she was healing or the situation wasn't as bad as they described It. So he probably juss blew up and let his anger get the best of him resulting In Rihanna's injuries. The rumors about them getting back together, I been hearing that for a long time and If that's true, don't think that's a smart move after everything that happened that's juss proof telling you their not meant to be together. Although they are still In love take Keyshia Cole's Advice and "Let It Go" lol fo real. Now I'm not sayin what Chris Brown did was right because he should of juss left the argument If he felt he was goin to wild-out. The whole point of this post Is to show ya'll how It's not a equal or fair situation when It comes to Domestic Violence. I don't like that dudes hit their woman it is not right so don't get the wrong idea from this blog. I'm just giving a male perspective but I am definitely not condoning abuse it isn’t right, dudes that do that need to grow up and try to control their anger and respect their woman. If you’re disrespected by your woman in your relationship and don’t like it and or your relationship get the fuck out of it.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

"Comodo Internet Security Pro"

Comodo Internet Security Pro

If Your Having Computer Problems Check Out This Program Called "Comodo Internet Security Pro" Cnet
Editors Rated This Program 5 Stars If You Want To Try This Program Click On The Pic Above And It Try For 30 Days And If you Like It Buy It.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Reconstructing My Blog

I'm just reconstructing my site for those of ya'll who was wonderin. I now have 5 blogs, Ima try 2 update all of them fast. I deleted two of my blog because nobody was looking at them so I exported the post on this blog.


These Are My 5 Blogs If U Want 2 Check It Out


5. And You Know This Blog (

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Need Help With Your Blog or Website? Not Making Any Money? Read This Post!!!!

Basically, I was just looking around on YouTube and I seen a woman on there and she had some topics that caught my eye the reason It did Is because I'm new to blogging I had my blog for about a lil ova a month and I'm definitely blogging for money. I'm the type of person who tries to learn as much as I can on something to see If I want to do It, and If I choose to based on the information, I would definitely want to do It right and become successful In It. I liked her because she kept It real and showed you the reality on not just blogs, and websites, but business In general. I learned a lot from what she was saying In her videos so I probably goin to reconstruct my blog  and , If you want to know about how you can better your site or blog check out her YouTube videos her YouTube name Is lisa3876 you can search that on your or just, Click On "Check Out Her Videos" where the arrows @ to see all her videos.

-----------------> (Check Out Her Videos)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


"Hawthorne" Is the best, I watch this show every time It shows, Tuesday @ 9:00 PM and they show It again @ 11:00 PM. I make sure I don't miss It, but yea can't believe the last episode Is next Tuesday on the 18th. Now we gotta wait all the way till 2010 for the second season of Hawthorne.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

"Dirty Money" A New Group

"Dirty Money" A New Group with Dawn Richard, P.Diddy, and Kalenna. Kalenna Is a song writer that Diddy decided to give a chance at this group. The music Is real unique, when they come out officially with an album, I know their group might be the next best thing. They already lookin good so far from what I seen on T.V. If ya'll want to know more about the group watch "Making His Band" It also shows updates on how their doing so far.

(Check Out This Video)



When I heard the title of the movie "Precious" and knew Mariah Carey was goin to be in It. I thought It was some girly azz movie lol. Then when I saw Terrance from BET talkin about the trailer made me wanna check It out so I did the movie looks POPPIN the trailer waz funny az hell, It aint supoose to be but It Is, but yea there was some messed up shiit In their dat aint koo. Mo'Nique, from what I seen on the trailer good actress, we finally gon see her play a more serious role, don't get me wrong tho, I love her comedy roles but this shows how good of a actress she Is. I'm definately gon watch this movie when It comes out, this movie's coming out November 6, 2009. Ya'll gotta watch It wen It comes out and wen u do watch It comment about It on herre.


(Check Out The Trailer)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Oh Lawd America's Best Dance Crew

Oh Lawd LOL anotha season of America's Best Dance Crew Is coming In August. I liked the show when It first came out. Then they came out with a second one and I was like that's koo. Then they come up with a third season I was like damn anotha season and now to top It off a 4th season? datz ma reaction Oh Lawd LOL. I'm tired of dance shows It's annoyin now, to the point that once I see America's Best Dance Crew on I change It In a Mill-a-sec not even just America's Best Dance Crew but other dance shows to.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

"Roommates" Tv Series Cancelled

Same thing with this show I know It cancelled a while ago, but still wanna talk about It, a few weeks ago I wanted to see the "Roommates" because Tamera Mowry acted on that show and I also wanted to see what was wrong with the show, because they cancelled the show after the six episode aired. I was like damn It was that bad? na mean so I tryed to look for episodes to watch and I found the first season, all 13 episodes and watch all of them and I'm like iight? What's wrong with this show? It's funny as hell so I don't know why ABC stopped airing the show. The crazy thing was that after the 13th episode It got you thinkin what's gon happen next just like the show "The Game" the episodes just stop and you'll never know what happens next unless the two T.V. NetWorks ABC Family and CW decide to put those shows back on aire. If you want to see the episodes on youtube click the link below. If you do check out the episodes comment on this blog tell me what ya'll think of the show "Roommates"

(Check Out All 13 Episodes Of Roommates)

Roommates - Season 1 Episode 1: The Roommate

Roommates - Season 1 Episode 2: The Tarot

Roommates - Season 1 Episode 3: The Lie

Roommates - Season 1 Episode 4: The Break In

Roommates - Season 1 Episode 5: The Set-Up

Roommates - Season 1 Episode 6: The Mark-A-Like

Roommates - Season 1 Episode 7: The Uninvited Tom

Roommates - Season 1 Episode 8: The Green People

Roommates - Season 1 Episode 9: The Game Night

Roommates - Season 1 Episode 10: The Tickets

Roommates - Season 1 Episode 11: The Mother of James

Roommates - Season 1 Episode 12: The Trash 'N Treasures

Roommates - Season 1 Episode 13: The Old and the New

Monday, July 27, 2009

"The Ugly Truth"

I watched this movie on Saturday the day after It premiered cause my sister wanted to watch It so bad. I aint seen no trailer or nothin, but when I went to watch It with my sister I aint regret It, Its a good movie. I don't wanna mess up the movie for ya'll who want to watch It. So I aint gon say what Its about, but Its a funny movie got some sexual jokez in their It did have a lil to much romance In It but, I would recommend this movie "The Ugly Truth" for people to watch.

Click Da Link Below for

(Times Their Going To Show "The Ugly Truth")

(Check Out The Trailer)

"The Game" Tv Series Cancelled

Yea I know "The Game" has been cancelled for a minute but just wanted to talk about the show. I watch The Game all the time on BET and I'm thinkin that's crazy how they gon cancel It because that shows poppin. Their were mad stuff that wasn't even continued, so now Its like iight.... got you thinkin what's goin on what happens next. It was gettin mad interestin, But yea check out the interview, Tia Mowry talks about the show being cancelled and her thoughts on the whole thing.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Chris Brown Make's An Apology Video For His Fans

iight, when I saw this video I was like THIS SHIT IS SCRIPTED!!!! lol. I believe that It Is because It sounds scripted, watch the video and see for yourself, But yea I think that just because of the situation that happened, I don't think Rihanna or Chris Brown should've lost any fans because you like an artist based on their talent not how they are as a person that shouldn't matter. On top of that most celebrities are forced to be something their not. They all have "Images" that they have to stick with to get money. Rihanna had the good girl image and now she has a bad girl image, got that punk rock swagga goin on. Chris Brown had the "Nice Boy" image now because of Chris Brown's Domestic Violence charges, his image completely changes by It's self to crazy, out of control, basically the complete opposite to how he was suppose to be seen as.

(Here Is The Video)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

I Love New York 3

Tiffany Pollard Aka New York Is Going to Come Out With a "I Love New York 3". Ya'll know when she recently had the show "New York Goes 2 Work", well when she had her last episode for that show, people had choices to vote for If they wanted 1. (I Love New York 3), 2. New York to (Get A Real Job), 3. New York to (Take A Vacation), and that's what "The People" voted for an "I Love New York 3" can't wait to see this one.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Nia Long Keeps It Real On Beyonce's Acting

Pride Magazine interview Nia Long for a cover story, and Nia long talks about singers becoming actresses. Nia Long was basically asked about the movie about "Obsessed", what was her opinion on it? Nia Long says "If you're a singer, not an actress, you should sing. If you're a rapper, you should rap." "I didn't see 'Obsessed,' so I can’t comment, but it's just not about how talented you are anymore. It's about, 'How much box-office revenue will this person generate.'" "When you see certain people—we won't name names—they just don't have the skill, and no one in their team has said, 'You need acting classes.'" "If you were able to take all the Black actresses and the choices we’ve made collectively, it’s a pure reflection of what you see on film. People need to work. But the content? The opportunities for Black actresses are more widespread today, but the quality has suffered." "If you take time to develop your craft, God bless you. Jamie Foxx is an example of both." That Is true cause If Ashanti, Keyshia Cole, Keri Hilson, or Beyonce alot of us would want to watch It I know I would.

Rumor Had It That Trey Songz & Drew Sidora That Acted On "The Game" Are Go Out

Their was a rumor about Drew Sidora and Trey Songz are going out and It's not true. Trey Songz confirmed that saying "No I do not go out with Drew Sidora" that being one of the questions, he was being asked, while answering questions for fans on Twitter.

Ways To Earn Money

Since I cant find a job, I try to find ways to earn money, So I wanted to post how. If I find other sites I'll post em.
(I'll Add More Soon)


Free Money at FusionCash!


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

How To Switch Back To The Old Version Of Myspace

iight, I made a new myspace to promote my blog and I aint changed a myspace layout in a minute. So, I aint know that the new myspace wouldn't let me put the regular type of layouts, I always put on my myspace like freeweblayouts I was tryin to found a way to switch the profile to the older myspace version and I did, I found it on youtube. If you want to find out how to switch to the older version of myspace watch this youtube video.

Dawn Richard's Got That Brand New Swag Goin On


Honey Mag takes some hot picture's of Dawn Richard's New Swagga. When I Saw these picture's I was like Damnn!!!! she lookin fine as hell lol. I'm lovin the new swag.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Keyshia Cole Tattoo's Her Boyfriends Name On Her Shoulder Saying (Truly Blessed D. Gibson)

Yea, ya'll she did It. She got a tattoo with her new Boyfriend's name on her shoulder. The I Shoulda Cheated Girl, The I Changed My Mind I Don't Love You No More Girl, lol juss bein dumb but, Ya'll feel where I I'm commin from right? thats crazy. "The Mad Black Women" Is definately not the right words to describe her now. I guess "A Different Me" Is definately a good way to describe Keyshia Cole's actions. She looks real happy, hopefully It stays that way.

The Cleveland Show

Cleveland from Family Guy Is coming up with his own show. Soon he will be written out of Family Guy because of his shows story-line. The show was suppose to be out In the beginning of 2009 but got postponed. The show will be aired on FOX on September 27, 2009.The Cleveland Show Is about Cleveland moving to his home town in Virginia with his 14 year old son, Cleveland Jr. A girl he was crazy about in High school named Donna end up marring another guy. Cleveland told her If her husband ever did her wrong he will be their and that time came. Donna's husband ran off and left her behind with her 2 kids a teenage daughter and young son. Donna was now open to give Cleveland a chance at love and he agreed. So that got him to move to Virginia to join their new family, a rebellious new step- daughter Roberta and a 5 year old step-son.

(Check Out The Trailer Of The Cleveland Show)